Friday, September 18, 2015

blocked planned parenthood?

Why would The House want to vote on a bill that blocks federal funding to planned parent hood for a year?   Now it doesn't sound that bad because it is just for a year.  The doctors now will be criminally charged if they don't try to save the babies life, if the baby is born alive during an abortion.  I personally think that is great though.  I don't know how anyone could not try to save a little babies life.  The article that I read over this issue is found at Fox News's website.  This article was very interesting to read.  From the article you find that,  it is not just about not funding and saving the babies life, but it's also an attempt to change some abortion practices.  One of the big arguments, and one that a presidential candidates addresses that there are undercover videos of babies being kept alive to harvest some of their body parts like their brain and sell them for money.  This is not only disgusting, but something that should also be stopped.  The de-fund bill was passes 241-187, and also has a potential change so shut down the government.  There are two different bills and their goals are, to block planned parent hood for a year and impose criminal penalties to the doctors who don't try to keep the babies alive if born during an abortion.  Democrats already got rid of a bill that wanted to erase planned parenthood funding, as the republicans are arguing that having the government shutdown for this would be damaging. Ted Cruz is trying to get the Republicans to get rid of planned parenthood completely.  The article was very interesting and very informative over this topic.  It's a very well created article and you should go over and read it. It won't take too much time because it is short and gets straight to the point.  I believe that planned parent hood is okay on some points, but to kill a baby who is already alive and to sell its body parts for money, I believe that is wrong and should be stopped.  I think one year won't hurt anyone and could be good in many ways.  It would also be a good "test" and to see how things work with the money being blocked.  Its only for one year, and it will go by quickly.

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