Friday, December 11, 2015

Freedom of Speech

As I read from Gabriela Guadarrama, from her post "Should there be a filter for freedom of speech?", I find that she believes that the first amendment is outdated, and the government should prevent people from using offensive statements.  This is something that I do agree with.  I also do believe that people should be able to take what is thrown at them and move on, but there is a level of "too harsh". That might come out a little cold at first, but if actually thought about, it would be easy to see that no days we are being restricted on what we can and cannot say for really dumb reasons.  For example, it is inappropriate to say merry christmas because people are being offended. This is something I find ridiculous, and should have the right to say what ever you feel like. BUT, I do not believe it should be okay to say how you feel about different races if it is offensive.  Racist statements are something that shouldn't be acceptable, and really are not already.  I don't think that the first amendment needs to be changed, but as there are limits to what you say in school, there should be limits everywhere else. So to conclude my statement, there should be limits on what people say, but not stupid things like saying merry christmas, but with racist statements.  Other than racists statements, I can't really find anything that should be banned from saying. The younger generation, including me, need to take what is thrown at us and move on instead of raising a fuss over nothing.

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