Thursday, November 12, 2015

  I believe that Fernando Lopez is right in his argument on his blog,Home of the Winners, from Monday October,26, is correct in stating that America is somewhere you should be able to come to better you life for you and your kids. Now this is a very touchy subject because I feel like if you say one comment in the wrong way you could come off to people as a discriminate.  Now I believe that you are correct in saying that it should be allowed, but I also believe that there is a process that everyone should follow.  I believe anyone should be able to come into the United States, but with citizenship. Gaining citizenship is a process that is a little difficult at the moment and maybe should be a little easier and less expensive. This IS NOT saying that we should keep other people from other countries out, but I do believe we are already facing major problems here already and just letting anyone and everyone just walk into our Nation doesn't really help us out.  We are separate from other countries and need to remain separate. There is a side of my family that came from Italy and a part that came from Mexico, and if they didn't live in the Untied States already, I would tell them to become citizens so they could live here.  This is also not just about being a separate Nation, but to keep the U.S. safe.  So, yes I do agree with, in saying that anyone should be able to come into the United States, but I will also have to argue in saying that there needs to be a process in which they do so, and not just open up the borders to anyone.

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